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Secret danger: rampant positivity,
self-righteous positive attitude,
aversion to negativity.

toxic positivity
How do people keep info out? The past couple of days I've come up against toxic positivity, over and over. What's that? It's people pushing away anything they label as negative with a comment like: I like to focus on the positive. What's the use of focusing on the negative. It just gets me to worry for nothing. You can't do anything, anyway.

How deal with stuff like slavery, no votes for women, no gay rights? By acknowledging the negative and acting to change the situation. Often not easy. Often not quick. Necessary.

That's the answer I came to.

But that's not the big thing here.

The big thing: toxic positivity, rampant positivity, a self-righteous positive attitude that's an automatic response when faced with something experienced as negative.

More toxic positivity: not seeing the negative in something disastrous like Communism.

Toxic positivity may be combined with something that is the opposite, toxic negativity - like the the Trump Derangement Syndrome, where Trump is viewed as an utterly vile subhuman monster.


More generally, it's part of what I call the Delusion Syndrome, blocking, denying, being cut off, in some ways, from taking in information, from facts, from reality.

What do I favor? Attention to facts, to information gathering. Thinking about the information. Coming up with potential ways of dealing with it, changing the situations. Trying things out.

Rinse and repeat.

Is there a key, secret or not-secret, to unblock, release the toxicity? Right now, I'm talking to one person at a time, as I come across it. I'm also talking to people about it. And now I'm writing about it.

Comments welcome.

As always, all the best to all who care and dare to look at facts, and to think,


PS. And here, a wonderful example of TOXIC POSITIVITY. THE NICIES: There must be NO, NO, NO Islamophobia!! Meditation. Staying Positive. And 106 Dead Children Gone!

For lots more, come explore

posted January 23, 2019

Secret danger: rampant positivity,
self-righteous positive attitude,
aversion to negativity.
Is there a secret key to unblock,
release the toxicity?



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